Cowley Road Methodist Church Centre

Interactive Services

Once a month, we have a more interactive church service. As usual, we have an afternoon service in Punjabi at 3pm at the church weekly.

Sunday 11 August, 10.30am - reflective service from the 'Iona Abbey Worship Book', led by our community chaplain and outreach worker, Libby. If you have a favourite hymn you'd like us to include, please contact Libby.

Sunday 1 September, from noon (TBC) - We're hoping to open the church for Cowley Road Carnival, with free refreshments, children's activities, and a quiet space. If you'd like to help, please contact Libby

Sunday 22 September, 10.30am - the final Holy Communion led by our superintendent minister, Rev Miriam Moul, before our English congregation 'cease to meet'.

Sunday 13 October, 10.30am - a community-based service to celebrate the life and mission of our church. There will be time to share stories, pray together, reflect, and sing, before continuing our reminiscing over a shared lunch afterwards. All are welcome to join us, including alumni, friends, members of our other circuit churches, and the local community to celebrate with us.

  • Cowley Road
  • Oxford
  • OX4 1BN