We aim to have an event or special service every month at the church. For a list of our special services, see here. For more details about any of the events below, contact our Community Chaplain and Outreach Worker Libby.
Recent events we've had include
Our recent events have been outside the church, and include supporting the Cowley Road Carnival, Oxford Pride, the annual Interfaith Walk in Oxford, and community-led events on the Cowley Road.
Joining with members of Wesley Memorial Church in the Oxford Pride Parade (June 2024). Members of our Knit & Stitch group crocheted rainbow hearts and LGBT octopodes (one in each of the 40 Pride flags) to give away during the parade - all were very warmly received.
Good Friday Walk of Witness - a multi church reflective walk from our church to St Mary St John on Good Friday (March 2024)
We also have special services for Easter every year, including an Indian feast following our Punjabi Easter Day service.
Service and Lunch for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - songs, prayers, readings, reflection, shared lunch (photos from January 2024).
Our Creative Crafts group had an outing in August 2023, and, in the same week, we had a special service to celebrate our minister, Miriam, becoming the Oxford Circuit Superintendent.
Songs of Fellowship service in July 2023, where church family shared their favourite hymns and stories. We hope to repeat this soon. If you'd like to know more, contact Libby.
Interfaith lunch for the King's Coronation - songs, poetry, dance, food and getting to know our neighbours (photos from May 2023).
International Women's Day - talks, food and songs from around the world (photos from March 2023).
Christingle prayer station service - candles, crafts, jigsaw and conversation (photos from February 2023).
Community Carols - mince pies, glowsticks, hot chocolate, a ukulele and carols (photos from December 2022).
Hopes and Memories - our church's annual open day (photos from October 2022).
See our Activities page for regular gatherings in the week.
- Cowley Road
- Oxford
- OX4 1BN